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Edinburgh Lead Testing

Updated: Oct 7

Lead Testing Edinburgh


We have now sampled and tested over 1,000 rental properties in Edinburgh and Lothians for Lead in their drinking water. Making us a go to company for Landlord Lead Water Testing in Edinburgh. Lead Testing Edinburgh Only Costs £72+Vat per property.

From 1st March 2024, the Repairing Standard requires all landlords to ensure the water supply in their rental property is free from lead.

Based on our Lead Testing in Edinburgh we have found that less than 1 % of our Lead Testing samples failed to meet the minimum standard of 10 micrograms per litre, which is the equivalent to one part in 100 million.

Although this is good news for most landlords. there are some that receive the news high levels of lead have been found in their water supply. We provide a UKAS approved Lead Testing Certificate to landlords that details the exact levels of lead found on the day of Lead Testing. This gives the landlord confidence in the accuracy, impartiality and reliability of the test results whilst also meeting the Repairing Standards requirements. If the Lead Testing results are high Landlords are recommended to contact a plumber or similar professional to highlight and remove any potential lead pipes or fittings within their rental property. If they are unsuccessful at highlighting any lead pipes then they may want to discuss with neighbours as the section of lead pipe may run through their property. Also discussing high lead testing results with Scottish Water would be a good step in the process as the lead may be from the water main in the street which in most cases Scottish Water are responsible for.


Things You Can Do To Reduce Lead Levels In Drinking Water


If the cold water hasn’t been used in more than six hours in your Edinburgh rental property, running the tap for up to 1 minute may help reduce the levels of lead prior to preparing beverages or using the water for cooking. The length of time to run the tap will depend on the design of the property and plumbing within it.

There is a higher chance of lead being present in hot water, therefore avoid using it for cooking if you can. Also boiling water for long periods of time can actually increase the amount of lead in water due to the evaporation process.

Avoid using lead cookware. Lead can get in to food during the cooking process if using lead based cookware

Using a filter can reduce lead levels. However not all do, therefore be sure to read the manufactures instructions and maintenance guides and replace as recommended.

Never cook or mix instant formulas from the hot tap.

Only ever drink water from the kitchen cold tap

Contact Scottish Water on advice regarding the water main or service pipe to your property if you have lead testing results higher than 10 micrograms per 1000.

Please find link to Scottish Water website regarding Lead

Symptoms Of Lead Poisoning

Exposure to lead can be harmful especially to unborn babies and young children. Children absorb more lead than adults due to their growing bones and other organs which lead can become deposited in.

The signs and symptoms in young children can include:

  • irritability and fatigue

  • loss of appetite and weight loss

  • abdominal pain

  • vomiting

  • constipation

  • hearing loss

  • developmental delay and learning difficulties

Although children are at increased risk of the effects of lead poisoning, exposure via drinking contaminated water can also result in illness in adults. Even if you are experiencing these symptoms, it does not always mean you have lead poisoning.

Please discuss with your GP and mention if you have any concerns regarding Lead being present in your water supply.

The Drinking Water Quality Regulator for Scotland website has more information about lead in drinking water including private water supplies. Please find link below:

Disclaimer: Only opinions based upon our own research. This information has been provided for anyone who is interested in this subject however not intended to replace proper analysis. We cannot accept responsibility or liability of any kind which may result from the use of this information.

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